In this section, you’ll find details on punctuation, capitalization, and list formatting guidelines to assemble your submission perfectly and maximize its chances of getting selected
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Submission Guidelines
Formatting Tips
SEO Tips
- Hyphen. Hyphens should only ever be used to hyphenate compound words or phrases.
💡 ✅ A single-column layout
❌ En dashes [ – ] are never used.
- Em dashes. Em dashes should be used to signal pauses in speech, as glorified parentheses, or to introduce explanations. They should be followed and preceded by a space.
💡 ✅ Contrasting colors, underlines, overlays — all these tools can help the active tab stand out.
- Oxford comma. Oxford comma should be used in all instances in which there are at least three items listed in a series, including in headlines/headers.
💡 User-oriented products consider the needs, goals, and motivations of users.
- Use colons to introduce lists only followed by a space.
💡 Adapt the logo for different purposes: websites, social media, or app stores.
- Ellipses. Use the ellipsis character “…”, not three periods followed by a space.
💡 ✅ So… [single ellipsis character] peculiar.
❌ So... [dot-dot-dot] peculiar.
- Exclamation marks. Only use with bright, funny, or positive messages followed by a space.
- Parentheses. Restrict their use to alternative forms, “fun facts,” and non-essential clarifications. You can also use parentheses when you mention certain symbols. In all other cases, use em dashes instead. Otherwise, if something isn’t important, don’t write it ****at all.
💡 ✅ the property and value are divided by a colon (:).