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Instructors Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Formatting Tips

SEO Tips

At Uxcel, we are thrilled to have you join us on our mission to make the fields of UI and UX design more accessible and inclusive for everyone, from aspiring designers to seasoned professionals. We truly believe that diverse perspectives play a vital role in shaping a vibrant and innovative design community.

Whether you're sharing a tutorial on basic UI components, providing your insights on Figma variables, creating a motion design tutorial, or offering tips for design managers on conducting interviews, your contributions are incredibly valuable to us.

We warmly invite you to become a part of our Uxcel Instructors Program. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to share your knowledge and expertise with a wide audience of enthusiastic and dedicated design practitioners and leaders. Together, let's be the voices that shape the future of UX/UI design.

Why publish on Uxcel

Publishing your tutorial on Uxcel presents a unique opportunity to connect with a committed audience of over 300K UX professionals and enthusiasts. When you decide to share your tutorial with us, we offer:

Before you submit

Ready to share your insights with the UX/UI community? First, please review the submission guidelines, formatting tips, and SEO tips.