An overview of what you need to know before submitting your tutorial Uxcel

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Instructors Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Formatting Tips

SEO Tips

In this section, we'll guide you through the process of selecting a topic, creating an attention-grabbing headline, gathering materials, and preparing visuals for your submission to Uxcel. It's important to follow these guidelines to increase the chances of your tutorial being accepted and published.

Please note that failing to adhere to these guidelines may greatly decrease the likelihood of your tutorial or article being accepted and published.

What we expect from a submission

We welcome tutorials covering a multitude of design topics, such as:

Your topics should be relevant and practical, offering tangible insights or tutorials. Your tutorial should not only inform but also guide our users through the 'how-to' of different design processes. Whether it's a step-by-step tutorial on creating a responsive website layout or tips for effective user testing, your content should empower our audience to apply these practices in real-world scenarios.

How to write stories that attract users?

For Uxcel, where the focus is on UI/UX design enthusiasts ranging from beginners to industry leaders, it's crucial to create content that resonates. Consider these points when developing your tutorials: